Writing Love Blog
Slowing Down From Warp Speed
So many of us are so accomustomed to being stuck in our mind and doing work trapped in that space, rushing endlessly around and unaware of just how to stop our body and mind. And so a sitting meditation is out of the question, we can’t immediately go from one end of the spectrum to […]
Community Member Speaks About Benefits of Instill Movement
In this video, a psychiatric resident and one of our community members, speaks about movement, medititation, and the benefits of Instill Movement.
A Recorded Talk On InstillMovement
In this discussion recorded at Unity Center in Austin, Texas, Suzanne Armistead guides the listener through a session of InStill Movement. In this 20 minute edited recording from Unity Center in Austin, Texas, Suzanne Armistead discusses the origin of InStill Movement as a process for healing her grief over the death of her son.
Event Speaking
Suzanne is an inspirational speaker available for your events. Contact us to learn how Suzanne can bring the wisdom of stillness to your group or organization.
Private Sessions
Instill Movement Private Sessions are one-on-one or group Stillness Moves You or Stillness And All That Jazz meditation sessions, scheduled to suit your time and location needs, and are conducted in-person, via telephone or via Skype (or alternate web video-conference). Private sessions address your specific needs through the medium of movement and are tailored to […]
Moving Love
Moving Love was originally performed by Suzanne and David Armistead, and artists from the Austin community at One World Theater in Austin, Texas as a means to initiate healing after their son Justin Davis Armistead’s passing. It was the artful expression of the story of infinite love, lived by Suzanne and David for Davis and […]
Stillness Moves You
Stillness Moves You is about stillness, movement and meditation.It is a 60-minute moving meditation that resolves fatigue, depression, the inability to slow down or stop, in short, the anxiety that fills modern daily life. We provide yoga mats and blanket, music and guided instruction. We may come to our classes with emotional, physical, and mental stresses […]
Stillness & All That Jazz
Locating vibrant, ecstatic movement and sensual vitality. Stillness and All That Jazz workshops use the practice of stillness and movement meditation as a source for creative improvisational movement and dance, using the disciplines of The Five Rythms and jazz dance. Workshops are set to World Rhythm, Jazz, Blues, Hip Hop, Dub, and Funk music to […]